Amazing Business Networking If you haven't tested out LinkedIn and you're a nonprofit, solopreneur, business leader, or simply looking for work, you are missing a bet. LinkedIn is the go-to resource for your business connections! Just Another Social? I suggest this platform is different than the others available.
How Often Should I Post? The short answer - as often as you have time for.
Ring the Bell LinkedIn recently changed how this little gem works. Whenever you Follow someone on LinkedIn, a bell appears at the top right corner of their profile. You now have options to decide level of notifications when someone updates their profile, similar to Facebook levels of interaction on groups or pages.
Company Pages - Followers I heard a magic number recently on a Gillian Whitney podcast with her guest Aoife Noone.
Groups on LinkedIn Groups here are very different from Facebook groups. There are less of them available, the interaction is often less, and vetting each is useful to filter out the more spammy or sales content groups, unless that's something you're after. Begin with some searches in areas or fields that interest you and expand your reach from there. It's hard to say what may pop up that interests you! Once you find a few interesting groups, see how the group interacts, then jump on in! It's easy to become a thought leader within a group as there is simply less commenting or activity here. The opportunity is rich for making more connections! Developing Your Feed The above suggestions are the best way to improve your feed or your Home page.
LinkedIn is one of my favorite platforms to connect with folks! We'll likely have more discussions on here about this powerful tool with ways you can leverage it for your own business. LinkedIn is seemingly always changing. Have you come across any great tips to share about LinkedIn? Love to hear them - Let's Chat!
What Comes to Mind When you think of A.I., what image comes to mind? For me, it's definitely Doris, Bowler Hat Guy's hat, in the movie Meet the Robinsons. That's probably not ideal! The short premise of this 2007 movie is a time travel adventure in which a young adventurer saves the space-time continuum and the world as we know it from an A.I. robot (Doris) gone mad with power. SPOILER ALERT: Our young hero comes face-to-face with his invention and promises to never invent it. POOF! GONE, and the world is saved! I keep wondering if we may not have similar regrets as we seem to keep racing to keep up with the advances of A.I. Podcast Recommendation I've caught a few episodes of The Artificial Intelligence Show with Paul Roetzer and Mike Kaput. Thanks to Ilise Benum for recommending it! I highly recommend this one! The guys are brilliant - genius level - and are incredibly knowledgeable about current A.I., the direction it appears to be heading, and how we can best prepare ourselves for this rapidly advancing technology. They offer a number of resources on their website. Episode 105 of their podcast particularly struck me, prompting this post. My anxiety was fortunately tempered by listening to episode 103 and their Intro to AI for Marketers program offered monthly with a limited time replay available. How Will We USE A.I.? I noted a few options that seem useful in business on a prior blog post. Such options include for research purposes, content idea generation, create a model client as a reference point, and assist creating a list of potential ideal clients. Paul and Mike are visionaries, and they read a lot of material to stay on top of the A.I. world. They advocate a lot of A.I. literacy needs to happen to be prepared for how rapidly A.I. tech is advancing. That seems accurate to me, so I'm at least dipping my toes into what A.I. is, how to try to master it, and spread the gospel of educating yourself. Current Challenges The trick at this time is A.I. remains a bit unwieldy. You need to become darned good with your prompting skills and be prepared to keep poking A.I. tools to dig deeper to come up with material that's semi-useful yet still relies on human insight to read decently. It's also useful to use the same prompt in a few different A.I. models to see how they respond as each will produce different results. There is a fair amount of friction or resistance on the part of the human public to actually use A.I. tools. The current percentage using A.I. remains extremely limited. It just doesn't make sense or fit in most of our worlds to be easily used - yet. "Apple Intelligence" Apple announced in June 2024 at its Worldwide Developers Conference that "Apple Intelligence" is coming Fall 2024/spring 2025. The features described on multiple Apple platforms aim to integrate many apps and accompanying info embedded within your device to better respond to your particular queries. This will likely bring us a step closer to making A.I. more "useful" with less friction for the average person. It will simply be in your everyday use. Google and Meta are embedding A.I. into their platforms as a feature that's simply built in and you can't remove it. There are other examples of A.I. at work that we're coming to simply expect will be there to assist us - Siri is one and Alexa is another. We also all see Office, Google Drive products, and our own phones "suggest" words and material as we type. That is A.I. at work. The less people need to do to A.I. to make it useful, the more quickly it will be adopted by the general public. Job Security After listening to podcast episode #105, and we can all see this coming, A.I. models are in the process of rapidly becoming less buggy in how they operate or even loop back on itself. Sure, there will be jobs created to oversee the output of A.I., but the number needed will be far less than the current number of employees on the job market. It was predicted on the podcast that current high-human roles such as physicians and lawyers will be targeted soon as something A.I. can take over in a few years. How often do you joke you "got your degree from WebMD" as you searched the meaning of lab results or tried to compile symptoms into a disease or syndrome to "help" guide your doctor? Haven't we all longed to have the handheld device Geordi of Star Trek uses to quickly diagnose and initiate treatments? When sci-fi becomes real. Paul and Mike advocate discussions begin happening soon to offset the potential sudden dramatic shift in workforce needs as a worldwide. Wait - what? Who's in Charge Here? Aren't the humans in charge of the invention? Just because A.I. can do things, should it? Or does it need to? There's something of a sense that we are merely bystanders as A.I. becomes developed and it's up to us to keep up. Plenty of concern has been raised about the use of A.I. by major super-power countries in defense. Remember the 1983 movie War Games? There's even a concept called "P(doom)" - "the probability of catastrophic a result of A.I." (Wikipedia) Let's Step Back a Minute My general Life philosophy is "What can I control or impact in my little corner of the world?" I aim to trust humans will realize the benefit of humanity being involved with jobs rather than throwing everything at "digital employees." This sentiment is echoed by Paul and Mike at the Marketing Artificial Intelligence Institute. Their message is actually more hopeful than doom-and-gloom. Their mission is focused on education - increase A.I. literacy and help businesses develop processes, teams, and risk reduction to enable employees to use A.I. optimally to maximize human effort. Message of Hope You know how none of us have enough Time or hours in the day to do the million things we'd like to do? The idea is to focus on the tasks you do that are repetitive or that you don't like to do. Train an A.I. model to do those so you can focus on the human aspect needed in the job, maximizing the time and effort you put into things. Paul has given examples of the dramatic difference A.I. has made in his team's work projects.
Paul sees A.I. as a way to "democratize" knowledge and skills - all of us having tools readily accessible to share our message with others. What Makes YOU Unique? As a hospital physical therapist, we have been challenged for years to identify how we differ from nursing, an aide, or a family member walking around a unit with a patient. What can YOU offer that only you can do? That is the crux of A.I. Consider it a tool - a helpmate - a partner. (that's far less scary than trying to take over the world, right?)
Now What? I can see future articles revolve around the topic of A.I. It IS big! Paul Roetzer notes "A.I." has actually been around for decades at this point, but it wasn't until ChatGPT was introduced to the world as a useful tool for all in November 2023 that it really rocked everyone to take notice. These A.I. models are now learning rapidly and exponentially. It's here and not going away. If we can think of it as a helper, a tool, a digital coworker, it will still require human input, massaging, and training to be most effective and to keep learning. We do need to also consider the dark downside potential and keep that in check. It's up to us to be human! While we learn more about A.I. as a helpmate, I would be happy to help you do what only you can do best. None of us have all the skills to do all the things. I would be thrilled to partner with you to bring your vision to life - Let's Chat! |
November 2024